Monday, March 19, 2012

Declaration of Independence

With the political season in the US in full swing we hear many people using lines from the DECLARATION to bolster their stand on things. Almost always using the line about being edowed by our creator with rights that are inalienable, ie. LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. While this line is indeed included, I do not think it is the be-all or even the most significant focus of this most important document. Consider the few lines that follow the statement of those rights. They give us the right that justified the revolution, and gives us the justification for saying no to those that believe their rights cannot be curtailed.


So the people of America, and indeed the world, should wake up and smell the coffee!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To!

I have spent much of my time watching C-Span and C-Span 2. Seeing and listening to our elected officials speak is both thrilling and enlightening for me. Thrilling since I get to hear some of the best orators of our day use their skills to debate on the world stage. Of-course not everyone of those speaking is a great communicator so one must listen to all to discern what is transpiring.

The enlightening happens when one hears between the words to understand what the speaker, she or he, is trying to accomplish. Although the subjects are many, and may be complex, it does not ensue that a clown like me, living in a somewhat rural and small city or town, cannot find the import and direction the speaker is trying to herd us to. In fact, it is relatively simple to judge the political alliance or mindset of the speaker. And if careful listening is not your thing, the vote tallies at the end show the aims of the words spoken. At the end of the day it is the vote that reveals the true colors of what's going on.

So, here we are. The first thing I would like to speak to is the way the budget is being held hostage to a political agenda. We know that a plethora of the budget is not the reason for the continuing impasse. It is an ideological divide and lust for complete power that is at issue here. LOOK AT THE VOTE TALLIES! I guess old George Washington was "right on" when he admonished us to avoid foreign wars and political parties!

The charts and studies all sides seem enamored of are of so little real value I view them more as a visual form of trickery than an informative tool. It seems that there is a chart to support any view if you have selective vision when searching for one. Nobody's right if everybody's wrong! We, the Electorate, need to do a better job minding the store and rely less on a proxy citizenry of paid actors.

I could provide links, but why?

To those that know who they are I really miss talking to you. I tried to keep it light. So sorry I let you down as a friend.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brave New World

I am sorry if you came here because my title misled you. It is intended as a statement to myself about the change I feel in my life, especially my on-line persona. I put too much hope into my effort to fill a void I guess, so now this blog will be political or scientific in nature and leave personal aspects to another place.

Watching C-Span 2 Book TV today was a good learning day for me. It is heartening to see the rise of such uses for the Net and TV. I do not agree with the views of all the authors but am glad to have the chance to expand my own views and knowledge.

Today I watched Alison Dagnes talk about the effects of today's media and its effects. She made the point, among others, that our ability to select the ideas we are exposed to via the Net has a duality that may not be bringing us into a wider exchange of political opinion. Rather it allows birds of a feather to not only find each other but then to hear only like minded voices.But as has always been the case it seems, we must choose whether we want to her about solutions to our problems or what shoes Britney wears.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So it goes...Again

It seems a friend has decided that communication between us is no longer of value. I will always respect that decision. My actions and words, while not wrong or anything, were just not up to snuff. The reason, or reasons, for this are beyond the abilities of this poor soul to discern. So the only avenue for me is to bow and humbly withdraw.

This is not the first time I have unlocked a multitude of doors with ease only to fumble at the one that led to the destination. The world watches and marvels as the doors swing open even as other's attempts to open them fall short. I have disappointed the world....again!

This is the last time. I just don't have the poop anymore.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day!

Independence, as precious a state of existence as can be forwarded to ourselves and to all posterity is ours! Though we all fall short of being a true practitioner of the goals set forth in the Declaration at one time or another, we, never the less, must never forget that it is our solemn duty to strive toward a state of existence that implements the equality that all are due. No matter the hurdles our imperfect natures may create along the way that stand to make the road difficult.

Never, never, never let the blessings of freedom disguise the fact that we must always be diligent in our ongoing efforts to protect that freedom as well as move closer to a more perfect execution of the equality and justice to which all are entitled.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The New Conectivity, The New Exile

The last ten years have been tough on my soul. I have been involved in surfing the Net much longer than ten years but the last decade has been exploding. Myspace, blogs, Tweets, Facebook, etc. have allowed us a global reach akin to space travel. Our access to people, events, and information is so ubiquitous we sometimes get the feeling that we can know all 7 billion souls on the planet if we wish.

We can access virtually any subject we are interested in from our chairs, or cars, or even the beach. While for many this is a good thing, for some it is not. But for most of us it is a little of both.

Digital humanities are gaining ground in the Academy. Downloading movies, music, books or papers gives almost instant gratification to our whims and wishes. Wealth can be only a click away whether legit or criminal. There seems to be no end to the places vying for our attention, and dollars. And no end to the falls and virtual skinned knees we must now endure.

Those that don't even own or use a computer cannot escape being part of the digital landscape because any action they take is captured in someway in electronic form somewhere. And someone can find anything if they know how. And millions do!

The exile referred to in the title of this post is not quite the same as the exile of Napoleon, or a Russian dissident. It shares some aspects to be sure. Disconnection may be forced upon us. It may be self imposed. The information we gather online may be true or it may not. Just as it is in real life. The exile, or type of exile, I am talking about has to do with the way we now rush to judgment based on what appears on our computer screens rather than the reality outside our windows.

The apartment cell is cold without your words on the screen. Sorry at being unworthy. In the end, though, I will always be your friend. No matter what may or may not come.

Monday, March 29, 2010

"And In The End"

This is probably the last words I will ever utter about this as I believe it is the right thing to do.

May all your desires be fulfilled. You will always have my complete respect, admiration, and friendship.

You know who you are!