Friday, March 20, 2009

Common sense

I once said to someone that common sense is not valued much. Either I was right or I have lost any I might have had.

The world according to Bob

According to me I can't make sense of the world and why things happen as they do. The more I try the less I understand. Somewhere there must be someone that understands why people may like me, at first, then just tolerate me because they are to ethical or nice. Maybe they don't want to hurt my feelings. I'm a big boy. I can take it.

The news from the US. and around the world today gives me no clue as to the fate of my future. Good things in small quantities, bad things in abundance. The world turns itself in a way that seems wrong to me.

This post is just a test, of MY corner. You may like it here, you may not. You may read here, you may not. I don't expect much at first, a few comments after a while maybe. I read around, so stay tuned.

I don't know much

This is my atempt to make sense of it all.