Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Listen to the Icon....Each in a World of Our Own Design"

Many centuries ago a life completely separate from all other humans may have been possible, and/or desirable. But such is no longer the case. The stubborn belief that private property can expand infinitely and is an inherent right flies in the face of the reality we now inhabit.

The finite nature of our world is the major source of war, injustice, and greed. While it may be that humans are greedy by nature, if the resources of our world were as truly infinite as our desires seem to be then greed would have no lasting consequences. But as for now, greed's needs seeds bleeds.

The debates going on about Health care, taxes, intellectual property, jobs, etc., can trace their very existence to the finite nature of resources. The selfish abhor the selfless in a system that relies on a limited number of sources of wealth, or even just sustenance. Once upon a time there may have been more resources than the population could consume yet still we fought. Fear of the unknown maybe. Greed probably. But even these reasons come about because, either consciously or unconsciously, we know that there is only so much to be had and at some point we will be asked to share. Thus we come to the underlying flaw in what we call commerce, manifested today as capitalism. We don't share, we sell shares in life if you have what we WANT and are willing to give it to us rather than die. Of course I may decide not to sell for some reason so you're shit out of luck!

The genesis of this short and preachy post has a multitude of contributory pieces. But the final spark that lit the fire came as I watched a TV show about 2012 on the History Channel. Even when discussing the possible end of the world I was forced to acknowledge that the only reason this show was made and aired was to make someone money. The industry doesn't care about me or even believe in what it is telling me!


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