Saturday, February 20, 2010

Close Encounters of the Thankful Kind

A few years back, the olden days by Cyber Time, I was captivated by a presence of breathtaking power and honesty. So, as idiots are want to do, I allowed myself to become infatuated with someone I didn't really know and who's life was set in a world I knew but could no longer be a player in. "What fools these Mortals be", fool and mortal, that's me for sure. It is no surprise that my presence in her world was tolerated (I'm not too big a jerk or a creep or anything, just a fool) as one of a civil and kind demeanor would tolerate most people that were not asses.

But I failed to return the honor that was being gifted to me. Not because I didn't want to, but as I state many times, and will many more, I'M AN IDIOT!

The tone of our communications has morphed into me trying to scale insurmountable odds and her providing kind bandages. The volume of exchanges from her should have told me something but, alas, as I have said, "I'M AN IDIOT!" Thus, the purpose of Bob's corner. A reflective pool, of words and ideas and observations and whatever, for me to excise my IDIOT demon so I can communicate without losing perspective. Wish me luck.

I must say, to those that know who they are, if ever you find this place, this corner, please come in. Sit a spell. Take your shoes off. I am, and ever will be, a friend.

OK, now to a discussion of the shit that is hitting the fan this week. Oh wait, isn't that the same shit that hit the fan last week, and the week before, and the week before that, etc..

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